Assisted Living Programs


Nichol Place & Maple House Assisted Living are semi-independent models of housing that provide residential care and rehabilitation to individuals with mental health challenges in a stable and supportive living environment. Nichol Place & Maple House Assisted Living programs provide a range of assisted living services - Mediation Administration and Support, and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programming. The program helps individuals develop and/or maintain their social and life skills, and to work towards the highest level of independence possible. Nichol Place & Maple House are located in the Newton area of Surrey.


Blair House Assisted Living is a semi-independent model of housing that provides residential care and rehabilitation to young adults with mental health challenges in a stable and supportive living environment. Blair House Assisted Living program provides provides a range of assisted living services - Mediation Administration and Support, and Psychosocial Rehabilitation Programming to young adults ages 19-30 years old. The program helps individuals develop and/or maintain their social and life skills, and to work towards the highest level of independence possible. Blair House is located in the Newton area of Surrey.

Eligibility criteria

Potential residents of Options' Assisted Living program are referred by Fraser Health Authority (FHA) through a Housing Application Residential/Tertiary (HART) referral. The HART referral is sent to the Surrey Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) for their review. The Assisted Living Program does not accept referrals directly, all inquiries regarding program eligibility will be referred to FHA.

Can you access the program directly?

No. Referral is required. Please connect with Surrey Mental Health and Substance Use to find out more information.

Other referral options

Referral is required. Please connect with Surrey Mental Health and Substance Use to find out more information.

Other information


Nichol Place
tel: 604.954.1260

Maple House
tel: 604.385.6281

Blair House
tel: 604.597.1943

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