High Risk Youth Justice Program


The High Risk Youth Justice Program is one of the Surrey Anti-Gang Family Empowerment (SAFE) programs funded by the National Crime Prevention Strategy. This program brings together community agencies at the Children and Youth At Risk Table (CHART) to deliver life skills training for children and youth, in and out of school time including evenings.

Provides one-to-one support such as prosocial activities, health, employment and education. The program primarily focuses on children and youth in Newton with gang affiliation or a family history of gang involvement. The program also supports parents, with services in Punjabi. 

Eligibility criteria

Children and youth in Newton with gang connections or a family history of gang involvement. 

Can you access the program directly?


Other information

This program is delivered in and out of school time (including evenings) at multiple locations. Please contact us for details.


Email: youthservices.intake@options.bc.ca


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